aws erp-Loan

With the aws erp-Loan we enable investments in setting up a company (in start-up), modernization, growth and innovation through (by means of) (interest-rate) favourable loans (soft loans) with fixed interest rates, flexible loan periods (flexible terms) and grace periods.

What is being funded?
Setting up a company, modernization,growth, innovation

Type of loan
Soft loan:

Loan amount

  • EUR 10.000 to EUR 30 Mio.
  • Percentage: up to 100 % of the project volume

Eligible costs

  • Capitalisable investments
  • Non capitalisable investments

Implementation period
Up to 2 years

Anytime after the implementation of the project has been started within a pre-defined drawing period of one year

Please consider

  • The pre-defined drawing period can be prolonged provided that the grace period is reduced to the same extent.
  • Once the project has been implemented, you must provide evidence to the trustee bank that the loan has been used according to the contract.

After the grace period according to pre-agreed conditions


  • Disbursement fee at disbursement of the loan: non-recurring fee of 0.9 % (or 0.5 %) of the received amount
  • Cancellation fee for loans exceeding EUR 1 million in case the loan amount is repaid before maturity: 2 % of the amount paid prior to maturity
  • Provision fee for loans exceeding EUR 1 million in case the loan is disbursed after the disbursement period has expired: 0.75 % of the amount that has not yet been disbursed

Additional funding
Within the scope of the General Block Exemption Regulation and the «de-minimis» limit aws erp-loans can be combined with:

  • In case the implementation of the project has been started before the submission of the application
  • Security for the loan cannot be provided by the bank and/or by aws guarantee
  • For insurance, financing and real investment companies
  • Financial investments
  • Professional workers such as doctors, lawyers and pharmacists
    (exception: architects and engineering consultants)
  • Non-profit organisations
  • Investments not necessary for the operation of the business

Moment of application

Process of application and approval

  1. You submit the application together with an ERP trustee bank via the aws Fördermanager.
  2. You receive a confirmation of receipt.
  3. If required, we may ask you to provide further documents and information on your project.
  4. First, we check the most important criteria regarding form and content.
  5. If necessary, we may ask you to clarify certain project details.
  6. We analyse the application in detail and make a decision on whether we can finance your project or not.
  7. Please consider: loan decisions for amounts exceeding
    EUR 2 million are taken at the regular meetings of the ERP credit commission.

  8. We inform you as soon as possible if your application has been approved or not.
  9. You finalize the loan contract with your ERP trusteee bank.
  10. Settlement by providing evidence of the project implementation to your ERP trustee bank.

We will let you know our desicion in any case.

Submission period

  • Loans of up to EUR 1 million: 1 – 7 days
  • Loans exceeding EUR 1 million up to EUR 2 million: 3 – 5 weeks
  • Loans exceeding EUR 2 million: 2 – 3 months

special terms and conditions: sector tourism

Open for continous application

Investments of Start up companies as well as the expansion of existing companies within the market sector of tourism and leisure industry can be supported with the aid of soft loans. Investments higher than EUR 500.000 only can be supported if they refer to the food service industry or lodging sector.

It is recommended to apply solely via the Österreichischen Hotel- und Tourismusbank (ÖHT) who is comissioned to evaluate these applications.

Link to details