Setting up a business

Being a young entrepreneur and expanding a business - the first five years

[Translate to English:] aws Garantie Icon

aws Guarantee

aws guarantee offers securities/collateral that your bank requires from you when granting a loan – and thus increase your chance of obtaining the loan.

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[Translate to English:] aws erp-Kredit Icon

aws erp-Loan

With the aws erp-Loan we enable investments in setting up a company (in start-up), modernization, growth and innovation through (by means of) (interest-rate) favourable loans (soft loans) with fixed interest rates, flexible loan periods (flexible terms) and grace periods.

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[Translate to English:] aws Seedfinancing icon

aws Seedfinancing - Deep Tech

From prototype to market entry: by means of aws Seedfinancing - Deep Tech, we bridge the financing gap of innovative start-ups, which develop high-technology products. And there’s more: we coach and advise start-ups and help them to unlock additional sources of finance.

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[Translate to English:] Glühbirne gefüllt mit wachsendem Baum

aws Seedfinancing - Innovative Solutions

With aws Seedfinancing - Innovative Solutions, we finance and support projects across all industries that aim to further develop an innovative start-up idea. These ideas should not only generate positive social added value (impact) beyond a company’s boundaries, but also exhibit high market potential within scalable business models. Funding is provided for projects that have an existing proof of concept and are geared toward achieving market maturity and market launch.

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[Translate to English:] Innovationsschutz-Icon

aws Innovation Protection

With aws Innovation Protection, we support you in identifying your important intellectual property (IP), strategically securing it, defending it and making optimal use of it - especially in the area of green tech. An innovation protection strategy tailored to your business model forms the basis for creating and securing your competitive position.
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[Translate to English:] aws Eigenkapital Icon

aws Equity

With aws equity we support Austrian start-ups with venture capital - with the common goal to bring the idea to market maturity.

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[Translate to English:] aws Digitalisierung Icon

aws Digitalization

With the aws digitalization we enable digital change, implementation of advanced tools and data-integration by the means of grants.

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[Translate to English:] aws Energie & Klima Icon

aws Energy & Climate

With aws Energy & Climate we help smaller and medium-sized companies to introduce an energy management system and build up energy know-how.

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[Translate to English:] aws Wachstumsinvestition Icon

aws Growth Investment

With aws growth investment we support companies realizing growth an innovation projects with the aim of strengthening their market position.

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[Translate to English:] aws Verarbeitung landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse Icon

aws Processing of Agricultural Products

With aws Processing of Agricultural Products we support investments of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as agricultural farms and cooperations in innovation, sustainability, quality or efficiency in the sector of processing and marketing of agricultural products.

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[Translate to English:] aws Gründung im ländlichen Bereich Icon

aws Starting a business in rural areas

With the aws Starting a business in rural areas, we support small technologically innovative enterprises that create economic added value in the region – in line with the regional or state strategy.

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